Sunday 31 December 2017

Alpine Miniatures - US Tankcrew, Ardennes 1944

I am calling this done before 2017 draws to a close. The crates and ammo containers were taken from AFV Club Set AF35184 - Ammunition Crates and Containers for 105mm Howitzer. The groundwork consisted of a mix of dried oregano leafs and those made from Fimo Deco Gel - a technique I developed 10 years ago.

Finally as part of the model display at Minicon TEN 2017 on last Saturday 30 December.

Here's wishing everyone a joyous new year ahead.



Wednesday 13 December 2017

Alpine Miniatures - US Tankcrew, Ardennes 1944

Began on the presentation of this figure amidst a pile of discarded 105mm ammo containers and crates from AFV Club.



Tuesday 12 December 2017

Alpine Miniatures - US Tankcrew, Ardennes 1944

Work in progress on the second demo figure from the hand painting workshop held at Miniature Art Studio in November.

