Sunday 30 October 2022

Have a Crate Weekend!

Some wrapping work done using decals made from Canon's Selphy photo printer..



Thursday 27 October 2022

Das Brot Brechen (Breaking Bread)

The name plate finally goes up and it really adds a lot of difference.



Saturday 22 October 2022

165th Signal Photo Company, France 1944

Some different for a change. A couple of weeks ago I received a production sample of some injection molded figures from AK Interactive portraying photographers from various time periods. I have always wanted to model a WW2 US combat photographer and this was the perfect moment to do so. 

As far as injected molded figures goes, the pose for this figure came together rather nicely - unlike some others which look great on the sprues but an absolute horror when the parts come together. I did however could not resist adding some enhancements to the figure. First off, I decided to modify the  jacket on the original figure to a flannel shirt which I felt complimented better with the rolled up sleeves and open neck. 

The Speed Graphic 4 x 5 camera did require some additional work. I deepened the flash reflector with a drill burr, undercoated it with clear gloss and created the reflective surface with Molotow chrome paint. The flash bulb was rebuilt with a piece of clear plastic rod turned on a hand drill and polished shine with grit 2000 sandpaper. The Plexiglass  is a small piece of microscope slide cut to size with the sharp tip of a diamond file. 

Other enhancements include remodelling the shape of the shoes and the laces on the leggings. To finish off the presentation of a celebratory mood, I added some confetti to the cobbled ground and some roses sculpted from White Super Fine Milliput dyed with red and green ink. 

In all this was a rather fun project with several new challenges encountered along the way. I might take a stab at the PK (Propagandakompanie) cameraman from that set when time permits.



Tuesday 18 October 2022

BAR Gunner, US 2nd Infantry Division - Germany 1945

All done painting this figure for the third time.



Thursday 13 October 2022

BAR Gunner, US 2nd Infantry Division - Germany 1945

A short update on the painting of the BAR gunner. 



Thursday 6 October 2022

DIY Title Plates

Here is an economical and efficient way of making title plates for your model displays using the Canon Selphy printer. 

The designs are create in Photoshop with the various unit insignia taken from the internet and printed in reverse.

Proceed to cut out and attach the printed side onto the adhesive portion of the reflective foil. 

Give it a good hard press with a steel plate or a flat object to expel any air pockets that may be trapped.

Overlay additional layers of foil for added thickness.

Trim the edges and soak it water for at least 8 hours. The water will dissolve the adhesive  and release the plastic film from the paper backing.

Finally, seal the transfer with some clear varnish of your preference and attached it to the pedestal with double-sided tape.  

