Wednesday 28 June 2023

Alpine Miniatures - 2nd US Armored Division, NW Europe, 1944

 A little more work done over this evening. 



Saturday 24 June 2023

The Thousand Yard Stare

 1/16 scale head study from Alpine Miniatures (16044). Painted with AK Interactive Gen 3 paints.



Thursday 15 June 2023

Young Miniatures - US 1st Marine Division, Battle of Chosin Reservoir, Korea 1950

I haven't painted a Young Miniatures bust in a very long time. The 2023 MALCOM and Hobby Show in Penang, Malaysia, however, gave me the chance to use this 1/10 scale bust as my subject for a painting demonstration. This brief demonstration, which solely focused on painting the face and probably some of the uniform, lasted only one hour. After the presentation, I resolved to finish the painting when I got home so as not to let it sit unfinished. Here are the outcomes of about a week's worth of sporadic painting using AK Interactive Gen 3 paints.



Saturday 10 June 2023

AK Interactive - Waffen-SS Camouflage Uniforms

Fresh off the press! If you are an aficionado of WW2 German Camouflage like myself, this book is a must to include in your reference library. I'm able to share a few excerpts from this fantastic resource on the Waffen SS camouflage uniforms thanks to the kind people at AK Interactive. This hardcover book's 387 pages are jam-packed with high-quality images of all the key pieces of camouflage attire, including smocks, winter padded uniforms, and tank crew coveralls. Along with historical photographs, each article of clothing has a bold line illustration showing the seams and cutting (in the manner of Andrew Mollo's books). In order to create this extensive publication, renowned expert Werner Palinckx gathered some of the finest artifacts and rare articles. Even for myself I am uncovering new facts about this subject from this book. To place your order, click HERE or check in with your local AK Interactive representative.

