Monday 12 May 2008

1/24 Male Sculpt.

o More updates to the 1/24 scale sculpt. The grey parts(apart from the hands carved from epoxy putty) are Kato Polyclay modelled over an epoxy putty armature. No prizes for guessing what nationally he's going as the subject matter is dead obvious ;P Moving on to the boots as we speak...


Wednesday 7 May 2008

Male Head Study in 1/24 (75mm)

After a month or so of inactivity, here's something I've been working on at an irregularly basis for the past couple of weeks. It's a WIP head sculpt of a 1/24 scale commission for a close collector friend of mine.(sorry folks, it's another one-off I'm afraid) I must confess that though I was hesitant about accepting this project as it's a subject that I wasn't familiar, his enthusiasm has infectiously inspired me to consider otherwise which I'm so far enjoying. (I'm mentioning this as I've not progressed on to the details that would eventually make the figure "pop") Anyway, I reckon it might not make it to the WE 2008 in July due to my current hectic teaching assignments at several schools and institutions. This will probably last through till mid August and hence my apologies in advance for not making any responses to any of your criticisms, comments, questions and well wishes.


