Wednesday 30 June 2021

Ich hatt' einen Kameraden, Falaise Pocket 1944

Finally completed this poignant scene from the battle of the Falaise pocket. 

Here are some of the colors used to render the black tunic. From the left, Violet AC-23 from Andrea Color, AK Interactive  AK11017 Reddish Grey, AK11146 Dark Green and Pure Black from AK Interactive's 502 Abteilung range.



Thursday 24 June 2021

Ich hatt' einen Kameraden, Falaise Pocket 1944

 A brief update on the progress of the vignette. I added the photo etched insignia from Rado Miniatures onto the Feldwebel and the buttons ( fashioned from epoxy putty) onto the zeltbahn. Only the modelling of the fingers on the hand holding the zeltbahn remains before I add in the crowning touches to the painting. 



Friday 18 June 2021

Ich hatt' einen Kameraden, Falaise Pocket 1944

It has been a slow week touching up the Splinter pattern on the Zeltbahn .



Saturday 12 June 2021

Ich hatt' einen Kameraden, Falaise Pocket 1944

 This is a work on progress on a vignette utilising figures from Tamiya's Marder III (Kit number 35364) and Werhmacht Tank Crew Set (Kit number 35354) and heads from Hornet Models. The Zeltbahn is made from epoxy putty using the photo print transfer technique.

Some work in progress shots of the vignette.

