Monday, 27 November 2017

Workshop on Basic Hand Painting Techniques at Miniature Art Studio

Over the weekend of 25 November, I conducted a full day demo and hands-on workshop on basic hand painting techniques at the premise of Miniature Art Studio. Given the short notice we were fortunate to gather 10 enthusiastic participants to sign up. It was a full day painting event which includes a 1/35 Alpine figure, Vallejo Paints and a bento set-lunch.

My main objective for this workshop was to impart the basic understanding of paint application necessary to create a smooth gradient for tonal and color transitions. Personally this is an optimum size for a full day workshop as it allows me sufficient time to provide personalized guidance for each participant.

As a surprise for the attendees, a lucky draw was held towards the end of the workshop to give away the demo figure specially painted for this workshop. Congratulations to Raymond for being the lucky recipient.

A group photo with all the event participants with their hard work in hand. 

A special thanks to Michael and Bernard for organizing the event and Mun Wai and Wen Pu for helping out with the logistics for the day.



1 comment:

Ee Cheong said...

I really appreciate the techniques taught in this class after i tried it out. By glazing in the highlights and shadows simultaneously, i don't have to paint multiple coats of highlight over the base coat again. I have to practice dabbing in the midtones to make the transitions look natural. Calvin makes it look easy, but it is going to take me a lot of practice.