Sunday 25 December 2022

Unternehmen Greif - Einhelt Steilau, December 1944

I am so glad to get this shelve queen completed before the end of the year. To refresh your memory, this piece was the subject of three YouTube video demos. 

It languished on my shelve for more than two years and until last week when I got over the doldrums and got it completed over this Christmas weekend. As a twist, I decided to portray a German commando from Otto Skozeny's Einhelt Stteilau during Operation Greif - and hence the blue scarf. My apologies to the fans of the Band of Brothers drama series but my impression of this bust is that of British thespian Damien Lewis in a G.I. costume. On a light-hearted note, do consider this as a mash-up of Band of Brothers and Homeland. 


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