Friday 5 May 2023

20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estnische Nr. 1). Battle of Tannenberg Line, 1944

This is a 1/35 scale conversion based on Tamiya's upcoming release German Infantry Set Late WW2.  I replaced the original face with the one from the US Tankcrew Set (ETO). The collar tabs are taken from Rado Miniatures whereas the eagle patch and chevron on the shoulder are from Archer Transfers. The sleeve shield is made from thinly rolled putty and painted with  Estonia's national colours of blue, black and white. The belt buckle is sculpted from Miliput Super Fine. Painting is done with AK Gen 3 acrylics. 




Silnius said...

Looks great! A very rarely shown subject and one of my favorites!. Have you seen the Estonian movie 1944?

Calvin Tan said...

Yes. A couple of times in fact - not for the story but for the references. That is where I got the inspiration.
