Tuesday 26 December 2023

Panzer-Kompanie 315, Normandy 1944

I am still trying to complete my 2023's resolution of finishing up another shelf queen. This figure is from Takahashi Modelling and bears my old hallmark of the black primer undercoat - a step in which I have stopped using since 2022.  I decided to stage him performing field maintenance at a bivouac and thus populated the surroundings with accessories from Tamiya, RFM and Academy. The grey boxes at the back are 3D printed offerings from Lithokraft.  




Robert Jan de Wit said...

A couple of days to go.. good luck!

Calvin Tan said...

Thanks Robert!


A. Snyers said...

Excellent as always... Your work is always so inspirational! May I ask why you prefer not to prime with the black undercoat? Do you prefer a lighter colour primer or no prime basecoat at all? If so, why? Thanks in advance and have a great 2024, big fan, Alexander.