Thursday 30 November 2023

SS Panzer Regiment 25, Norrey-En-Bessin, Normandy 1944

This figure is a conversion I have been working on since May. It is based on Rado Miniature's most recent release (35055) W-SS NCO with MP-40. 

The original pose showing the figure dodging shrapnel (as opposed to evading paparazzi). 

The anatomy of the face was rather lacking in the prototype shown on the right (it might have been fixed by now). I was compelled to re-sculpt the entire face with Milliput -Super Fine.  

Despite several jarring flaws, this figure has one redeeming quality, the tilt and balance in figure's pose perfectly conveys forward movement. Thus in the spirit of Wasi Sabi I decided to convert it into a forward advance towards enemy lines. 

In the first phase of the conversion, the right shoulder of the figure was completely carved accommodate the new position of the right arm gripping onto the MP40. It is sculpted with Black Milliput and further touched up with Standard-grey Milliput. The trousers at the hip area was bulked up to enhance the silhouette of the figure,  

In the second phase, I added the inner tunic and bulked up the right arm and trousers with standard Milliput. 

Most of the re construction work was performed on the back. I remodeled the bread bag as the original did not have the in-print for the canteen and the mess tin. The Zeltbahn roll was flat and could not conform to the curved surface of the belt. This was solved by first slicing it into two, contouring it against the curved surface and connecting the two halves with Milliput. The D rings and O rings are made from fine copper wire. The helmet cover was also corrected to represent the Spring/Summer side.

In the next update, I will publish on the progress of the painting. Stay tuned.




Robert Jan de Wit said...

Great conversion work Calvin. Thanks for showing the progress.

Calvin Tan said...

Thanks Robert!
