Monday 19 February 2024

Alpine Miniatures - Alamo Scouts, US 6th Army, 1944-45

I finally added the finishing touches to this box art assignment from Alpine Miniatures. The frog skin camouflage combined with the herringbone pattern was a tedious endeavor which took nearly 3 weeks to complete. The process involved a lot of back and forth to draw each unique shape that defines this unique camouflage pattern. After painting the camouflage pattern, the vertical faint lines of the herringbone twill fabric are created with a glaze mixture of sepia ink and AK Ultra Matt varnish. The Ultra Matt varnish is very fluid and I use it straight from the bottle. It is applied with a no.2 sized brush and a steady hand. 

The figure was painted with the colors taken from the set of Adam Wilder personal mixes by AK Interactive.




CK_Plastic_Models said...

Wow! I love the result. If you wouldn't mind, how are you painting the texture (i.e. lines) on this figure's uniform? I'm really curious to see how you do it. Thanks!

Олег said...

It's amazing how you do it.I'm doing worse on the 16th scale.

CK_Plastic_Models said...

Oops! I didn't see how to paint it on the top of your post. Sorry!