Tuesday 30 August 2022

Royal Model - Waffen SS Tank Crew 1944-45

 Slowly getting there.....

You can observe some back-and-forth on the refinement of the 44' Erbsenmuster pea dot camouflage. This pattern can be both easy or tedious to paint - depending on how precise you wish to replicate it in miniature. For most people, a couple of random dots will do the trick. However, a careful study of the pattern reveals two features of this pattern; The distinctive patches or "continents" and how the dots (especially the sand/pink dots) are clustered.  

I used a combination of AK11120 Mud Brown, AK11109 Dark Brown and  ABT1142 Paynes Grey from ABT 502 range to create the tones for the brown base. The olive green portions are AK11346 USMC Forest Green. AK11411 Light green for the bright green spots. AK11402 Light Flesh mixed with |ABT 1135 Amethyst from the ABT 502 range. ABT1142 Paynes Grey for the dark patches. Shading was mainly done with washes of AK11418 Brown Black - which has replaced AK11027 Rubber Black as my favourite colour for shading.  I will take a pause for now on this figure as I await the groundwork to arrive from the HQ of Royal Model.




Michał Żurawski said...

Are you using Beaver’s book as your reference material? Few years ago I was learning from your Osprey book and had Beaver’s book next to me, I had a feeling that I am looking on the exact reference that you have used for the miniature. Your islands and repetitions are spot on!

Calvin Tan said...

Thanks Michal, I was using the very first edition of the Beaver and J.F. Borsarello book when I was writing for the Osprey title. I subsequently updated to the three volumes by Michael Beaver and more recently the series by Lorenzo Silvestri.

